Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Rainy Day in the Northwest Doesn't Slow Us Down


“Rainy days should be spent at home with a cup of tea and a good book.”
― Bill Watterson,

I took this photo one year at the Port Townsend Film Festival. This gentleman was waiting patiently in line to get into the theater to view a movie. If you live in the Pacific Northwest you don't let a little rain stop you from having fun. Today I'm enjoying being inside curled up on the couch with my dog, a cup of coffee, and a good book. 

Backyard Visitor


I was looking for a cute quote about a squirrel to go with my photo but then I found this thought-provoking quote.

"Be decisive. Right or wrong, make a decision. The road of life is paved with flat squirrels who couldn't make a decision." Unknown

Last Summer I found an odd piece of fur laying in the yard. I couldn't figure out what Hailey, my dog, may have caught. Days later I watched a squirrel nibbling on a pine cone and noticed it was missing a chunk of its tail. While editing this photo I realized this guy, has some tail fur missing. It may be tempting fate by continuing to visit the yard however I love watching them jump seemingly carelessly from tree to tree. 

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Checking Your Grammer Couldn't Be Easier


Did you know what you can do after you have made a FB post and catch a spelling error or want to edit your post? I often see people make a comment after they realize they have made a spelling error without realizing what tools are available if you click on the 3 dots to the right of your post. It took me forever to realize the power of the dots. 🙂 There is also a free tool with Grammarly that helps when writing and editing one's posts.

To edit a post you've shared on Facebook:

Go to your post.

Click in the top right of the post.

Click Edit post.

Make your changes.

Click Save.

If photos are included in your post, keep in mind:

In most cases, you can delete photos without deleting the entire post. Hover over any photos you'd like to delete and click in the top right of the photo.

To add more photos, or other items to your post, click Add to your post.

You can't delete photos from your post if you shared your post from a third-party app (example: Spotify, a news site) or a photo album.

You can't delete photos from your post if you shared your post from a third-party app (example: Spotify, a news site) or a photo album.

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Lots of Changes

I'm so grateful to have this Blog so soon after I started my Photography business. Last night I sat down and read old posts all the way back to 2009. I stayed up well past midnight reminiscing about my early posts on this Google Blogger. I spent hours reading the description of all the cat and dog photos  I took at our local shelter and then posted them here. I volunteered weekly at our local shelter for 15 years but when Covid hit they limited the shelter to only staff and I took that as a sign as it may be the right time to stop and find another way to donate my time. Thanks to my Deja View Photography Blog many of those pet images were seen by people who ended up adopting a specific pet because they saw my post.

Going back to my first posts in 2009 is like opening and viewing a time capsule. I spent time rereading sad posts that go back to when I  lost my dogs, Ruby and Max and giggled at some of my early posts and photos. I'm a bit nervous about creating a backup that goes back to 2009 so I realize one day I may lose this little treasure here. 

I found as I reread my posts I actually missed keeping up a Blog. Covid changed so many things relating to my business, or lack of, during those early days. 2020 was an incredibly strange time and people just weren't risking having their photos taken in an enclosed space like my studio. Money was an issue as many people were unemployed. Port Townsend is a destination for many visitors during the summer, especially at Fort Worden State Park. But that didn't happen and I missed the opportunity to take family photos of visitors staying at the Fort.  
A hundred years from now Historians will still be studying how the World changed during the pandemic. I'm incredibly optimistic about what 2023 will bring.  

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Thank you to everyone who voted for Deja View Photography. The notice of the winners of the Best of Jefferson County came out in the Peninsula Daily News about two weeks ago. It is an honor to have my photography business recognized as Best Photographer especially with so many talented photographers in our area. I started my business over fifteen years ago selling cards and prints at the Farmers Market. After several years I left the market to focus on portrait photography. Currently the areas I photograph the most are professional headshots, families, event photography and High School Seniors. Again, thank you to all who voted for me and who support my business by using my services. It is a joy to be part of our community.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Port Townsend Main Street Celebrates Girls' Night Out

This is the second time Port Townsend Main Street has used one of my images for their Girls Night Out Poster. This is a bit abstract from the previous poster however it was fun to let them use my photo to create this poster for such a worthwhile fundraiser. 

Friday, September 3, 2021

High School Senior Session at Fort Worden in Port Townsend

I photographed my first 2022 Senior, a young man from Spokane. He was visiting family who lives in Sequim. The young man plays the guitar and is a big fan of Eddie Van Halen. He wanted images of himself on a rock in the water with his guitar, similar to a Van Haven poster. After some searching for the perfect rock/location, the scene was set for photos and afterwards, we headed to the bunkers at Fort Worden for more photos. This was my favorite from the session.

Friday, August 6, 2021

Surprise Engagement at Point Wilson Lighthouse in Beautiful Evening Light

As Covid restrictions are lifting I find I have had a busy couple of weeks ahead with my photography business, Deja View Photography. I love the variety of work I'm able to do. I photographed a small wedding at Chetzemoka with a couple visiting from Minnesota. I have done several professional headshot sessions in my Port Townsend studio plus a couple more downtown sessions around the Maritime Center.

This weekend I photographed a lovely young couple from the Tacoma area. The young man, who is based out of Joint Lewis McChord, hired me to photograph a surprise engagement session for his girlfriend out at the Fort Worden. A friend helped me scope out, in advance, the best spots for good evening light, location of the perfect tide, wind speed direction, as well as angle of the setting sun. All these calculations were taken to pull off the perfect surprise session. Tom maneuver them into position in front of the Lighthouse and we waited for crowds of people to pass. I stood on a knoll pretending to be photographing the Point Wilson Lighthouse but actually captured him dropping to one knee with the ring. It was a lovely moment and afterwards, we took lots of fun photos all around Point Wilson. What a lovely event to be part of and what an honor to capture this special moment for them. I think I have the greatest job ever.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Canarissimo Stride Tango Trio Play at Port Townsend Main Street Dedication

Some fun photos from last month when Main Street dedicated the five new sculptures, around town, done by Jonah Trople. Bertram Levy and the Canarissimo Stride Trio played along with vocals by Robin Kallsen. The rain held off to make it a lovely evening with great music and lots of dancing outside of Key City Public Theatre.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Live Music Back in Downtown Port Townsend with the Unexpected Brass Band

Time has flown by since I took these photos, at the end of May. This is the Unexpected Brass Band at Pope Marine Plaza here in Port Townsend. They put on such a great show and had such a fun energy about them as they performed. The crowd was thrilled to be there for a live concert. It was the first event photography I had done in over a year. I'm over the moon that Concert on the Dock is starting next month. I love photographing the summer concerts and this year they will be starting in August thru the first week in September.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Coffee with a Fascinating Cankerworm

Morning coffee on the porch. Grateful for the time to watch the magical acrobatics of what I think is a cankerworm.

The lifeline thread it was suspended by invisible to my imperfect vision.

The wind moves the invisible silk and spins the tiny creature like a Coast Guard rescue bucket out of control.

I watch as it finally lowers itself, nearly touching the ground but then like a cat touching water with its paws, retracts and lifts up back to the sky.

Back to the tree foliage to gorge as it prepares to move from a spring larvae to becoming a moth, not limited to floating randomly but to winged flight.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

“You smiled at me like I was young. It took my breath away.”

Leonard Cohen

Saturday, February 13, 2021

My Favorite Valentine

I first shared this card before but it has become more special with the passing of years. 

This is my favorite Valentine despite being a little beat up and faded. However I do love store bought Hallmark cards too. Any of the Hallmark holiday commercials have me in tears as soon as I hear their theme music. However this special card was made with just a sheet of copy paper, a red marker and lots of love. Inside is a very artistic red heart drawn by my boyfriend. Don, my partner, who was working in Alaska on a tug and unable to get to a store so he made this card for me. I don't know where he got the little image of a couple embracing that he taped on the top. I loved the card when he sent to me over 15 years ago but over time it has became even more special to me since his death 11 years ago on the 17th of this month.

Remembering the anniversary date of a loved ones passing doesn't mean I haven't moved on with my life. What it does mean is that on this date I pause and reflect on what a wonderful the life we had together. Only someone who has gone through the grief of losing a loved one knows how quickly life can change. It took only minutes for his heart to stop and for my world to change forever. This simple card reminds me how lucky I was to have such a great guy in my life and that he wanted me to be his special Valentine.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

"This is what I like about photographs. They're proof that once, even if just for a heartbeat, everything was perfect." Jodi Picoult

Zoom Tips for Looking Your Best During a Meeting

 Since so many people are using Zoom I found a valuable link on improving how one looks during a meeting. I remember my first meeting. I made sure to be dressed, including pants, even wore a bit of makeup plus straighten out my office behind me. Once the meeting started I realize none of the participants had their images showing during the presentation. The first tip in the link below is probably the most important and deals with lighting. So many people do not have enough light on them and are backlit making their faces even darker. It also discusses positioning your face. Some of the tips are for business professionals but who doesn't want to look good on-screen during a Zoom call.

Jefferson County Humane Society in Port Townsend has pets available for adoption.

 The Humane Society of Jefferson County is still closed to the public but there are several cats and dogs available for adoption. You can find more information about each animal by visiting You can call the shelter at 385-3292 to get more information too.

Friday, December 4, 2020

Deja View Photography-Portrait Studio in Port Townsend, Washington

Shelter Animals Looking For New Homes Just in Time for Christmas

The Humane Society of Jefferson County is still closed to the public but there are several cats and dogs available for adoption. You can find more information about each animal by visiting You can call the shelter at 385-3292 to get more information too.

COVID-19 Small Business Resources

I know of so many local businesses struggling here in Port Townsend as well as around the state. This money was just allocated to offer financial help for businesses in Washington State. Here is the link for that important information.

Financial Resources in WA State

Monday, October 12, 2020

Happy Birthday Mom

Today would have been my Mom's birthday. She would have turned 90 today but she died at the end of March. Last time I saw her was at my Dad's funeral last October. I was only home for a couple days for Dad's funeral and my brother and I scrambled to deal with paperwork while there. I didn't have much time to take photos but one night I was able to visit with my niece's children. Her daughter Eva asked you to use my camera to take some photos. Within about three minutes of instructions, she was running around the house taking photos. Photos I will treasure as this was the last time I was with Mom and one of the last photos of her. This was such a lovely image we used it for her obituary. Eight months later I'm still sad I wasn't with her as she passed or at her funeral. I'm thankful for the time I was able to be with her on Facetime as my brother Bob sat with her as she passed. He did a Zoom meeting so I could be there along with my nephew in Alaska and cousin in Fredericksburg. Mom died of natural causes but my heart goes out to all the families who have lost ones due to Covid and especially those that couldn't be with them as they passed.

The Humane Society of Jefferson County is still closed to the public but there are several cats and dogs available for adoption. You can find more information about each animal by visiting You can call the shelter at 385-3292 to get more information too.

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Following Covid Guidelines in taking Professional Headshot and Family Photos

What a strange time the last couple of months have been. Since my photography and my clients have always been a big part of my everyday life the shut down has been difficult. I have started doing professional headshots again in the studio. I'm taking precautions to be safe throughout the session. I do a forehead temperature check when a client arrives in the studio, keep the doors open, wear a mask, and stay at least 6 feet apart. After taking the photos I head into my office to edit them for review and load them to my website for my client to look over. I join my client back at the studio to interact with them, from afar, as they view their images and pick their favorite ones. Everything takes just a bit longer than coming directly into my studio office. This routine seems to be working while we are still in Phase 2 and being cautious. I have done a couple family sessions working within the state's guidelines for interacting during Phase 2. Now is the perfect time to do High School Seniors and I just booked one yesterday and look forward to sharing those images. Thanks to everyone for their patience as we adjust to this challenging time. I have shared a lot of photo memories on my personal page but realized it had been too long since I made a post on my business page. Deja View Photography

Friday, September 11, 2020

Deja View Photography Studio Open for Business.

What a strange time the last couple of months have been. Since my photography and my clients have always been a big part of my everyday life the shutdown has been difficult. I have started doing professional headshots again in the studio. I'm taking precautions to be safe throughout the session. I do a forehead temperature check when a client arrives in the studio, keep the doors open, wear a mask, and stay at least 6 feet apart. After taking the photos I head into my office to edit them for review and load them to my website for my client to look over. I join my client back at the studio to interact with them, from afar, as they view their images and pick their favorite one. Everything takes just a bit longer than coming directly into my studio office. This routine seems to be working while we are still in Phase 2 and being cautious. I have done a couple family sessions working within the state's guidelines for interacting during Phase 2. Now is the perfect time to do High School Seniors and I just booked one yesterday and look forward to sharing those images. Thanks to everyone for their patience as we adjust to this challenging time. I have shared a lot of photo memories on my FaceBook personal page but realized it had been too long since I made a post on my Blog.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Good morning. I just ran across this photo. This quote is from this old autograph book I bought at a yard sale years ago. All the quotes and messages date back to 1877-78. All the comments are in a beautiful flowing script. Perhaps it was used as a guest book when you visited someone's home. The visitors all seem to be from Massachusets. "May heaven smile upon thy way and light thy path from day to day." signed Mary The flower arrangements were created by Deanna Kitchen for centerpieces at a wedding. We took some additional photos the next day in my studio and that is when I brought out this old book for this image.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Fun Sharing Artwork

Good Morning. Found this little watercolor I had done of whales on heavy Strathmore card stock. Reminds me of the weekend I spent at Friday Harbor seeing Killer Whales out at Lime Kiln Point at sunset. As it got darker listening to the sound of them so close to the shore breathing air out of their blowholes was a sound not soon forgotten. Adding a whale watching trip with the Puget Sound Express and spending time on Friday Harbor to my wish list of things to do down the road. Strathmore offers some fun watercolor tutorials on their website.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Fun Artwork

I have been going through some of the art work my kids did when I taught 5th Grade. I think this was a writing/art assignment using the letter S. Don't see a name to give the artist credit. Pretty creative, slurping from the salsa jars. 

Another favorite drawing from an art project by one of my Fifth Grade students. Despite leaving my job in Maine 30 years ago I still had these art pieces tucked away. Love the flamingos, flat fish and log float. Not sure who the young artist was but bet a family member was a logger. Artist unknown.

I have been going through some of the art work my kids did when I taught 5th Grade. I think this was a writing/art assignment using the letter W. Seems like a perfect way to share on a windy Wednesday with worldly whales wading and wondering west out in the watery bay while WWll warplanes fly way overhead. Art credit to Sandy K.

Monday, March 23, 2020

National Puppy Day

Oh my gosh it is National Puppy Day. This is my sweet dog Sherman that I adopted a couple years ago from the shelter. His previous owner, who had to surrender him, took this adorable photo of him when he was a pup. Just so darn cute wanted to share today.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Usually, February is a tad slow but I'm loving how busy I am right now. Did a couple headshots last week, booked a wedding, photographed the Well Hearts Event on Friday and the The Night Before the Oscars for the Port Townsend Film Festival on Saturday night. Sunday I did another headshot and a family session, tomorrow I'm photographing a local business doing their headshots and groups photos. This week I'm photographing a home built by QED Builders and a 50th anniversary party at the Alcohol Plant. I love the variety of work I get to do & all the wonderful clients I get to work with. #dejaviewphotography

Jefferson Healthcare Well Heart Event

Port Townsend Film Festival 

QED Builders

50th Anniversary Part at the Old Alcohol Plant 

Friday, February 21, 2020

Heashots in Port Townsend Studio with Deja View Photography

February is the perfect time to book a session for an updated head shot for your social media sites. The constant daylight balanced lights that I use in my Port Townsend studio make for flattering headshots, perfect images for your website or profile photo on your social media accounts. Give me a call today at (360) 385-2662 or visit my website to see more examples of my portrait photography. #dejaviewphotograpy #porttownsendheadshots

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Even the toughest dog can be afraid of a vacuum.

Weekly Adoption Poster for the Humane Society of Jefferson County

I want to bring them all home but already have two dogs at my home. You can visit the shelter Tuesday-Sunday from 12-5 or call them at 385-2662. 

Monday, February 17, 2020

Will You Be My Valentine?

I first shared this card several years ago but it has become more special with the passing of each year

This is my favorite Valentine despite being a little beat up and faded. However I do love store bought Hallmark cards too. Any of the Hallmark holiday commercials have me in tears as soon as I hear their theme music. However this special card was made with just a sheet of copy paper, a red marker and lots of love. Inside is a very artistic red heart drawn by my boyfriend. Don, my partner, who was working in Alaska on a tug and unable to get to a store so he made this card for me. I don't know where he got the little image of a couple embracing that he taped on the top. I loved the card when he sent to me over 18 years ago but over time it has became even more special to me since his death 18 years ago on the 17th of this month.

Remembering the anniversary date of a loved ones passing doesn't mean I haven't moved on with my life. What it does mean is that on this date I pause and reflect on what a wonderful the life we had together. Only someone who has gone through the grief of losing a loved one knows how quickly life can change. It took only minutes for his heart to stop and for my world to change forever. This simple card reminds me how lucky I was to have such a great guy in my life and that he wanted me to be his special Valentine. I wish everyone is as lucky as I have been in finding that special someone. 

Thursday, February 6, 2020

It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.
~Chinese Proverb

Well Hearts Event Happening this Friday-Sponsored by Jefferson Healthcare Foundations

I'm excited to be photographing the Well Hearts Event tomorrow sponsored by Jefferson Healthcare and the Jefferson Healthcare Foundation. This will be my third time, Deja View Photography, will photograph this fun event. I tried to upload a larger file for this video but the size was to large for use here on Blogger. Love the song that goes along with all the smiles I got from past participants over the last couple years. Everyone looked great in red, my favorite color to wear too. This event raises money to help women in our community.

Friday, January 31, 2020

Deja View Photography wins 2019 Best of the Peninsula for Jefferson County sponsored by the Peninsula Daily News

Thank you everyone for your comments on winning the Reader's Choice Award. Several months ago Deja View Photography also won the 2019 Best of the Peninsula Photographer for Jefferson County sponsored by the PDN. What a honor to be recognized in this way. Thank you again for everyone who took the time to vote for Deja View Photography. #dejaviewphotography

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Planning Your Wedding and Need a Bartender-Call Tipsy Gyspy

I just met with several other local wedding vendors tonight at Finn River here in Port Townsend. Heidi from Tipsy Gypsy was there and told us about the variety of services she offers with her bartending business. She is also willing to travel to provide these services outside of the Port Townsend area for weddings and other events including cooperate events  You can visit her website to learn more about her bartending services.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Image Resolution Chart for Social Media

I can't count the number of times I have Googled the dimensions of a certain platform when adding photos on my social media accounts. I found this great chart in a recent magazine. Easier to read once you click on it for a larger image. Thank you Rangerfinder for this chart. 

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Visit Sea Marine at the Seattle Boat Show

I'm excited to see Sea Marine's display this year at the Seattle Boat Show . Two years ago Sandy from Sea Marine hired me to take photos of their building, staff and crew as they worked. She wanted to use those images for the large backdrop you see here in a staff photo taken at the show. I hopped on the local Port Townsend/Keystone ferry to get the large scenic image they used for the center of the backdrop. The rest of the shots were captured as staff worked the boat yard.

Sea Marine is a full service boat yard located at Point Hudson here in beautiful Port Townsend. Great people to work with. Photo below taken by Sea Marine staff but images on backdrop are by Deja View Photography. 

Saturday, January 25, 2020

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. Marcel Proust

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Deja View Photography wins the Port Townsend Leader's Readers Choice as Best Photographer for 2019.

What an honor to have Deja View Photography win "The Leader's Readers Choice as Best Photographer for 2019." Thank you to everyone who took the time to either drop off or mail their ballet. I feel very blessed to get to do what I love and work with so many wonderful people. #dejaviewphotography